About Us

About Us

OneBillionBuyers.com - Socio-economic Network for Digital Economy

OneBillionBuyers.com is an online community; a socio-economic network or platform connecting entrepreneurs and managers as stewards to certain specialist funders as strategic sponsors. Potential sponsors or sponsors’ representatives and target entrepreneurs connect and communicate to build initial trusts in readiness for the execution of integrated, gradual share purchase and repurchase programmes which are promoted in ‘SIDO system’ business model as intelligent twin trade and exchange transactions.

The gradual share purchase and repurchase programmes often happen in the presence of trusted third-party financial and non-financial intermediaries (trustees).


Business Model

We believe that rapid advancement of technologies especially recent development around AI means that there is need for a new business model that stakeholders can apply to design, develop, and promote more sophisticated ownership arrangements, relationships, and agreements between certain funders and entrepreneurs. We propose SIDO system as inclusive business model which empowers interested funders to temporarily co-own (jointly own) micro/small private companies with the promoters –owner-entrepreneurs, managers, founders. In this SIDO system, funders (sponsors) and entrepreneurs (stewards) will engage in privately negotiated frequent, fractional twin trade (buy/sell) transactions based on prudent customized contract agreements whereby ownership share of sponsors gradually decreases and that of the entrepreneur also gradually increases simultaneously. This leads to simultaneous increasing and decreasing ownership (SIDO) system during the medium to long trading period.


Twin Trade

The trade that happens within the controlled SIDO system environment are intelligent twin trade and exchange which are implemented as planned, integrated gradual share purchase by sponsors and also gradual share repurchase by entrepreneurs. This means that the strategic sponsors engage in multiple purchases of equities or shares of private companies with multi-staged investments using catalytic capital. Thereafter, entrepreneurs gradually repurchase the shares in small fractions using series of revenues or performances. There are two types of repurchase as ownership buyback and ownership buydown. The purchase and repurchase quantities/volumes (percents), valuations (prices), and durations (periods) are all pre-agreed and must be fixed.

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